Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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C/C++ Source or Header
652 lines
** Copyright 1989, 1992 by Lionel Fournigault
** Permission to use, copy, and distribute for non-commercial purposes,
** is hereby granted without fee, providing that the above copyright
** notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this
** permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
** The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified versions
** may not be distributed.
** This software is provided "as is" without any expressed or implied warranty.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef apollo
#include <malloc.h>
#include "text.h"
#include "browser.h"
static TextResources tr;
extern char *getenv ();
extern void Display3D ();
** Function name : InitTextRes
** Description : Initialisations de resources communes
** aux fenetres de texte : la fonte et les couleurs.
** Input : Le display, la fonte, les couleur du devant, du fond,
** du top_shadow et du buttom_shadow.
** Ouput :
void InitTextRes ( display, font, fg, bg, ts, bs )
Display *display;
XFontStruct *font;
unsigned long fg, bg, ts, bs;
XGCValues gcv;
GC gc;
unsigned long gcm;
gc = DefaultGC ( display, DefaultScreen ( display ) );
tr.top_sh = ts;
tr.bot_sh = bs;
tr.cgc = XCreateGC ( display, DefaultRootWindow ( display ), 0, &gcv );
tr.igc = XCreateGC ( display, DefaultRootWindow ( display ), 0, &gcv );
tr.font = font;
tr.fg = fg;
tr.bg = bg;
XCopyGC ( display, gc, (~0), tr.cgc );
XCopyGC ( display, gc, (~0), tr.igc );
gcm = 0;
gcm |= GCForeground; gcv.foreground = fg;
gcm |= GCBackground; gcv.background = bg;
gcm |= GCFont; gcv.font = font -> fid;
XChangeGC ( display, tr.cgc, gcm, &gcv );
gcm = 0;
gcm |= GCFunction; gcv.function = GXxor;
gcm |= GCPlaneMask; gcv.plane_mask = fg ^ bg;
gcm |= GCForeground; gcv.foreground = fg ^ bg;
gcm |= GCBackground; gcv.background = bg;
XChangeGC ( display, tr.igc, gcm, &gcv );
** Function name : MakeTextWindow
** Description : Creation d'un fenetre de texte.
** Input : Le display, la fenetre parent, la position par rapport
** a celle-ci.
** Ouput : La structure Text.
Text *MakeTextWindow ( display, parent, x, y )
Display *display;
Window parent;
register int x, y;
Text *text;
XGCValues gcv;
register char* indent;
register int tw;
text = ( Text * ) malloc ( sizeof ( Text ));
text -> width_relief = W_RELIEF;
text -> w_parent = parent;
if ( DefaultDepth ( display, DefaultScreen ( display )) == 1 )
text -> width_relief = 1;
text -> window = XCreateSimpleWindow (display, parent, x,
y, DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE, 0, tr.fg, tr.bg );
XSelectInput ( display, text -> window,
ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | VisibilityChangeMask |
KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPress | ButtonRelease );
text -> Cgc = XCreateGC ( display, DefaultRootWindow ( display ), 0, &gcv );
XCopyGC ( display, tr.cgc, (~0), text -> Cgc );
text -> Igc = tr.igc;
text -> top_sh = tr.top_sh;
text -> bot_sh = tr.bot_sh;
text -> lines_in_buf = 1;
text -> no_current_line = 1;
text -> n1 = 0;
text -> fg = tr.fg;
text -> bg = tr.bg;
text -> x_or = text -> y_or = MARGE;
text -> x_pos = text -> y_pos = MARGE;
text -> visible = 0;
SetFontText ( display, text, tr.font );
text -> cursor_stat = OFF;
text -> cursor_width = text -> char_width_ave;
text -> cursor_height = text -> font_height;
text -> sl = 0;
*text -> filename = 0;
text -> stat = 0;
text -> modif = False;
text -> mouse_in = False;
text -> mode = default_mode;
indent = (char *) getenv ( "XCORAL_INDENT_WIDTH" );
(void) strcpy ( text -> indent, " " ); /* 8 blancs */
if ( indent == 0 )
text -> indent [3] = 0;
else {
tw = atoi (indent);
if ( tw == -1 )
else if ( tw <= 0 || tw > 7 )
text -> indent [3] = 0;
text -> indent [tw] = 0;
indent = (char *) getenv ( "XCORAL_TAB_WIDTH" );
if ( indent == 0 )
text -> tab_width = TAB_WIDTH;
else {
tw = atoi (indent);
text -> tab_width = ( tw <= 0 || tw > 7 ) ? TAB_WIDTH : tw;
(void) bzero ( (char *) text -> page.wline, 256 );
(void) bzero ( (char *) text -> page.sline, 256 );
text -> markline = text -> markpos = 0;
return text;
** Function name : DeleteText
** Description : Destruction d'une fenetre de texte.
** Input : Le Display , la structure text.
** Ouput :
void DeleteText ( display, text )
Display *display;
Text *text;
XFreeGC ( display, text -> Cgc );
XDestroyWindow ( display, text -> window );
if ( text != 0 )
(void) free ( (char *) text );
** Function name : SetTextVisibility
** Description : Positionne l'etat de visibilite.
** Input : Le text courant, l'etat.
** Ouput :
int SetTextVisibility ( w, text, state )
Window w;
Text *text;
register int state;
if ( w != text -> window )
return False;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf ( stderr, "Text window stat = %d\n", state );
text -> visible = state;
return True;
** Function name : GetVisibility
** Description : Retourne l'etat de la visibilite.
** Input : Le Display, le text courant.
** Ouput : Vrai ou Faux
int GetVisibility ( display, text )
Display *display;
Text *text;
if ( text -> visible != VisibilityUnobscured ) {
XRaiseWindow ( display, text -> w_parent );
return False;
return True;
** Function name : KillText
** Description : Vire le texte d'une fenetre texte et met
** a jours les infos.
** Input : Le display, le text courant.
** Ouput :
void KillText ( display, text )
Display *display;
Text *text;
* Affiche la premiere page pour positionner
* certaines variables.
* Reset le buffer
FirstPage ( text );
ClearBuffer ( text -> buf );
* Mis a jour des infos.
text -> lines_in_buf = 1;
text -> modif = False;
text -> no_current_line = 1;
(void) bzero ( (char *) text -> page.wline, 256 );
(void) bzero ( (char *) text -> page.sline, 256 );
* On nettoie bien
SetScrollLine ( text -> swin, 1 );
XClearWindow ( display, text -> window );
Display3D ( display, text -> window, text -> top_sh, text ->bot_sh, 2, 1 );
** Function name : TextInBuf
** Description : Comme son nom l'indique
** Input : Le text courant
** Ouput : Vrai ou faux
int TextInBuf ( text )
Text *text;
if ( (! strcmp ( text -> filename, "NoName" )) && (text -> modif == False))
return False;
return True;
** Function name : SetFontText
** Description : Positionne la fonte pour le texte courant.
** Input : Le display, le text courant, la fonte.
** Ouput :
void SetFontText ( display, text, font )
Display *display;
Text *text;
XFontStruct *font;
text -> font = font;
text -> font_height = (font -> max_bounds.ascent) + (font ->max_bounds.descent);
text -> cursor_height = text -> font_height;
text -> cursor_width = ( font -> min_bounds.width + font -> max_bounds.width ) / 2;
text -> char_width_ave = ( font -> min_bounds.width + font -> max_bounds.width ) / 2;
XSetFont ( display, text -> Cgc, font -> fid );
** Function name : LoadFont
** Description : Comme son nom l'indique.
** Input : Le display, le nom de la fonte
** Ouput : la structure
XFontStruct *LoadFont ( dpy, str )
Display *dpy;
char *str;
XFontStruct *font;
extern void exit ();
if ((font = XLoadQueryFont ( dpy, str )) == 0 ) {
(void) fprintf ( stderr, "Fontname error : %s\n", str );
if (( font = XLoadQueryFont ( dpy, "fixed" )) == 0 ) {
(void) fprintf ( stderr, "Can't load font : fixed\n" );
(void) exit (1);
( void ) fprintf ( stderr, "Use font : fixed\n" );
return font;
** Function name : ChangeTextFont
** Description : Change la fonte courante.
** Input : Le display, le text courant, le nom de la nouvelle fonte.
** Ouput :
void ChangeTextFont ( dpy, text, f )
Display *dpy;
Text *text;
register char *f;
XFontStruct *font;
register int i;
TextCursorOff ( text );
font = LoadFont ( dpy, f );
i = GetLineInPage ( text, font );
SetFontText ( dpy, text, font );
SetScrollFont ( text -> swin, font );
SetScrollLinePage ( text -> swin, i );
SetLineInPage ( text, i );
SetScrollBarSize ( dpy, text -> swin );
ClearPage ( text );
text -> n1 = 0;
text -> n2 = text -> lines_in_page - 1;
SetLinesTable ( text );
ClipOn ( text, 0 );
RefreshPage ( text );
ClipOff ( text );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf ( stderr, "no_current = %d\n", text -> no_current_line );
(void) MoveScrollBar ( dpy, text -> swin, CURRENT, text -> no_current_line - 1 );
TextCursorOn ( text );
** Function name : GetLineInPage
** Description : Retourne le nombre de lignes dans la page
** courante pour une fonte donnee
** Input : Le text courant, la fonte.
** Ouput : le nombre de lignes.
int GetLineInPage ( text, font )
Text *text;
XFontStruct *font;
return ( (text -> height - (2*MARGE)) /
(font -> max_bounds.ascent + font -> max_bounds.descent));
** Function name : MouseIn
** Description : La pointeur est dans le text courant.
** Input : le text courant
** Ouput :
void MouseIn ( text )
Text *text;
#ifdef DEBUG
(void) fprintf ( stderr, "Mouse in\n" );
text -> mouse_in = True;
** Function name : MouseOut
** Description : Le pointeur n'est plus dans le text courant
** Input : Le text courant.
** Ouput :
void MouseOut ( text )
Text *text;
#ifdef DEBUG
(void) fprintf ( stderr, "Mouse out\n" );
text -> mouse_in = False;
** Function name : ShowWindowText
** Description : Affichage de la fenetre de texte.
** Input : Le display, le text courant, la geometrie.
** Ouput :
void ShowWindowText ( display, text,width, height )
Display *display;
Text *text;
int width, height;
register int x;
#ifdef DEBUG
(void) fprintf ( stderr, "ShowWindowText width = %d height = %d\n",
width, height );
x = height - ( 2 * MARGE );
text -> lines_in_page = (x / text -> font_height);
text -> n2 = ( text -> lines_in_page - 1 ) - text -> n1;
text -> width = width;
text -> height = height;
#ifdef DEBUG
(void) fprintf ( stderr, "ShowWindowText text-height = %d\n",
text -> height );
(void) fprintf ( stderr, "lineinpage = %d\n", text -> lines_in_page );
XResizeWindow ( display, text -> window, text -> width, text -> height );
XMapWindow ( display, text -> window );
** Function name : SetTextSave
** Description : Mise a jour des infos apres une sauvegarde
** du buffer courant,
** Input : Le text
** Ouput :
SetTextSave ( text )
Text *text;
text -> modif = False;
text -> mwin -> stat = False;
RefreshWindowStatBuf ( text -> mwin );
** Function name : SetTextModif
** Description : Mise a jour des infos apres une modification
** du buffer courant.
** Input : Le text
** Ouput :
SetTextModif ( text)
Text *text;
text -> modif = True;
text -> mwin -> stat = True;
RefreshWindowStatBuf ( text -> mwin );
** Function name : SetTextMode
** Description :
** Input :
** Ouput :
void SetTextMode ( text )
Text *text;
text -> mode = TEXT;
text -> mwin -> mode = TEXT;
SetBrowserMode ( TEXT );
/* RefreshBrowserControl (); */
UnmapBrowser ();
RefreshWindowMode ( text -> mwin );
** Function name : SetCMode
** Description :
** Input :
** Ouput :
void SetCMode ( text )
Text *text;
text -> mode = STD_C;
text -> mwin -> mode = STD_C;
SetBrowserMode ( STD_C );
RefreshBrowserControl ();
RefreshWindowMode ( text -> mwin );
** Function name : SetCCMode
** Description :
** Input :
** Ouput :
void SetCCMode ( text )
Text *text;
text -> mode = CPLUS;
text -> mwin -> mode = CPLUS;
SetBrowserMode ( CPLUS );
RefreshBrowserControl ();
RefreshWindowMode ( text -> mwin );
** Function name : ChangeDir
** Description : Change de directorie courante.
** Input : Le text courant.
** Ouput :
void ChangeDir ( text )
Text *text;
register char *tmp;
char buf [128];
register int len;
(void) chdir ( text -> current_dir );
* Affichage du filename ou de la directorie.
if ( text -> filename == 0 )
len = strlen ( text -> filename );
if ( strcmp ( text -> filename + ( len - strlen ( "NoName" )), "NoName" ) == 0 ) {
len = strlen ( text -> current_dir );
if ( len > 20 ) {
(void) sprintf ( buf, "Dir : ...%s\n",
(char *) text -> current_dir + ( len - 20) );
(void) sprintf ( buf, "Dir : %s\n", text -> current_dir );
DisplayMessage ( text -> mwin, buf );
tmp = strrchr ( text -> filename, '/' );
if ( tmp != 0 )
DisplayMessage ( text -> mwin, tmp + 1 );
** Function name : ExposeTextWindow
** Description : Traitement d'un expose event dans une
** fenetre de texte.
** Input : Le display, le text courant, la fenetre exposee.
** Ouput :
void ExposeTextWindow ( dpy, text, ev )
Display *dpy;
Text *text;
XEvent *ev;
XRectangle rec [2];
Region region;
XEvent tmp;
Display3D ( dpy, text -> window,
text -> top_sh,
text -> bot_sh,
text -> width_relief, DOWN );
region = XCreateRegion ();
rec [0].x = ((XExposeEvent *) ev) -> x;
rec [0].y = ((XExposeEvent *) ev) -> y;
rec [0].width = ((XExposeEvent *) ev) -> width;
rec [0].height = ((XExposeEvent *) ev) -> height;
XUnionRectWithRegion ( rec, region, region );
while ( XCheckTypedWindowEvent ( dpy, text -> window, Expose, &tmp )) {
rec [0].x = tmp.xexpose.x;
rec [0].y = tmp.xexpose.y;
rec [0].width = tmp.xexpose.width;
rec [0].height = tmp.xexpose.height;
XUnionRectWithRegion ( rec, region, region );
XSetRegion ( dpy, text -> Cgc, region );
ExposePage ( region, text );
XSetClipMask ( dpy, text -> Cgc, None );
XDestroyRegion ( region );
SetCurrentLine ( text );
if ( text -> mouse_in == True )
TextCursorOn ( text );
FreeseTextCursor ( text );